Push-up guide: Correct form, variations, mistakes. Achieve strength and avoid errors for effective results.

Which of the following is correct form for a push-up

Push-ups are a fundamental bodyweight exercise that engages various muscle groups. Here’s a guide on how to execute them with proper form, explore different variations, and avoid common mistakes.

Proper Push-Up Form:

Begin in plank with hands slightly wider than shoulders, aligned. Align body straight from head to heels for correct posture.

Which of the following is correct form for a push-up

Which of the following is correct form for a push-up

Engage Core and Glutes:

Tighten your core muscles and squeeze your glutes to maintain a stable body position throughout the movement.

Bend elbows at 45-degree angle, lower body. Chest inches above ground or when comfortable chest and shoulder stretch is felt.

Pushing Phase:

Push through your palms, straightening your arms and returning to the starting plank position. Maintain straight body line throughout the entire movement.

Which of the following is correct form for a push-up

Common Push-Up Variations:

Knee Push-Ups:

Perform push-ups with your knees touching the ground. This variation is suitable for beginners or those building strength.

Wide grip push-ups:

Hands beyond shoulders. Focus on chest muscles with this variation.

Diamond Push-Ups:

Bring your hands close together under your chest, forming a diamond shape. This targets the triceps and shoulders more.

Incline Push-Ups:

Place your hands on an elevated surface (e.g., a bench or step), making the exercise easier by reducing the amount of body weight you’re lifting.

Decline Push-Ups:

Elevate your feet on an elevated surface to increase the difficulty, engaging the upper chest and shoulders.

Common Push-Up Mistakes:

Sagging Hips:

Avoid letting your hips drop or raise, as this can strain your lower back. Maintain head-to-heels straight alignment for proper form.

Elbow Flaring:

Keep your elbows at a 45-degree angle to your body to protect your shoulder joints.

Incomplete Range of Motion:

Lower your body until your chest is at least a few inches above the ground for a full range of motion.

Head Position:

Keep your neck in a neutral position to avoid straining it. Look slightly ahead of you, not up or down.

Proper breath:

Inhale down, exhale pushing up. Maintain controlled breathing rhythm.


Perform push-ups with controlled movements. Avoid using momentum or rushing through repetitions.

Push-ups can be adjusted to suit various fitness levels. Begin with proper form, gradually progress to more challenging variations, and focus on quality over quantity. If you’re new to exercise, or if you have any health concerns, consult a fitness professional or healthcare provider before attempting push-ups or any new exercise routine.

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